
34 Movie Reviews

7 w/ Responses

Nice DBZ action

Pretty nice sprite graphs. nothing stunning but good, basic animation with nice aura- and special effects added later. however, concerning about fusing with the earrings im not sure if Vegetto should have black hair in the start seeing they both fused from SSJ... you might know better.

Soundscape consists of heck of a lot of shouting and appropriate thuds. I see they are timed with the frames so that the action is visible on the screen a fraction later or timed right on the spot. From this one can see you have clearly put a lot of work into this. The only problem I have is, I don't know if you noticed but there is no sound in credits when you select Vegeta ending. and some of the commentary by Goku and Vegeta were annoyingly bland. they sounded like they could be from just any fight scene =(. I don't know if you've used the game's musics or did those people record some of their own, it doesn't say... anyway it's a tribute to the actors if one can't tell the difference, huh? ;D

Meh, its an okay battle. nothing that would rock my socks off, knowing what happens in Dragonball Z. but I especially enjoyed seeing Buu PWN both Vegeta and Goku! it was hilarious, even in SSJ they looked like they were fighting in slow motion! Buu's first attack was I-N-S-A-N-E!!! =O

Probably one of the violent movies I've seen on NG, without blood. contains the daily dose found in an actual episode, except without the long Bulma-talking about Yamcha- episodes or Goten-and-Trunks-at-the-supermarket-"

There are sufficient buttons on the menu and surprisingly, unlike most sprite movies I've seen they actually work. Plus there are bonus clips in the end. Kudos for putting that go-back-to-select-other-ending thing becuase I would hate to watch the whole thing again. Not that your flash is bad, though! :O

Some of the fighting sounds compared to each situation are funny. Again, Buu kicking Goku & Vegeta ass was soooo funny! I usually take fights like this seriously, but I couldn't stop smiling looking at how both of them were taken. and the "OOOMPHHH!" "ARRRGHH!" "AHHHH!":s! X,D You have incarcerated the constant surprise factor of the actual DBZ series and combined it with the occasional funniness of DBZ in the way like when Vegeta unfuses Goku all of a sudden and then knees him in the groin! :D

Its a nice all-around DBZ movie. easy to watch. but a little big filesize. took a while to load, and theres no preloader (like there is in Wolfenstein 3D Headshot). otherwise it had been a 5 stars.

Pure Gold...

this is my favorite movies of all time and always love coming back to it.

here's whats the most amazig part which always gets me when watching: thinking about how reploids evolve.. if Atomic Fire can heat up to 5 zeros, like the guy below me said...

how can it be enough if Overdrive Ostrich a X5 model is a 200 years newer model than Heatman. if his design improves to a 10x each year, it would be a equivalent of 10 ^200, that's a digit with 200 zeros better than Heatman's!!!

how can the Atomic Fire scorch him??? that's how awesome he is...

peice of crap

it gets a -2 because none of the audio is actually yours.

and a -2 for STICK FIGURE animation, should pretty much speak for itself.

and -1 for cussing. although you tried to hide it in the video it exists on the front menu, and I don't look pleased at you cussing the viewer.

Total vote: 0

and now for the obligatory constructive comments Newgrounds requests because of my low score...

you used too much frames. when i quick viewed it through it took ages to get to the first scene where the guy looks up. a skilled artist shouldn't waste time making pointless frames with little to no animation.

the animating space is poorly used. the content in this video could have been expressed better with a comic for example. no need to make a full length movie just to see your simple stick figures bouncing around

It's soulful

for Everybody:

Graphics: Graphics are nice and glossy, and slick all over. There are nice effects enabled when you click on stuff.

Style: Static. It is just a girl standing there with a wand. It's a very christmasy scene though with her standing there and with the music bringing up tranquillity.

Sound: The music is a theme of an anime Macross Frontier called Diamond Crevasse. Long, alluring theme played with violin. Without the music it's just a nice card, without a soul though.

Violence: There is no violence. Being a christmas edition and all.

Interactivity: Well there are a lot of gizmos on the screen. You can get characters to appear or dissapear by clicking and some effects (and bouncing boobs woohooo!). other than that it's a zilch.

Humor: If you find the furry animals and anime characters that Matt puts in every of his flash amusing you might like this, but other than that really, besides the bouncing boobs (you know there could even be a factor called that in this movie) there really isn't anything to laugh at.

Overall: It's a nice christmas card. With soulful music. And furry little critters.

for Author:

Graphics: Same style, same char. You didn't want to make a WM dressup sim but you had to satisfy for this? Ok. Nice. But I really don't like why she looks to much like Pope Mage, another one of your chars. The style she has here is so NOT White Mage. 8/10

Style: Meh, christmas card. Timing is nice. Also the fact that you pull this off without warning. But, you could have done something more original. I don't know, a SPAM card??? This could of been your piece de resistance, with all the characters you have in your disposal... 4/10

Sound: Nice touch. You pull out this song no-ones ever heard of from an anime noones ever heard of and introduce it over to the public. Nice going putting that link up there cos if I had put it up here I'd get myself shot. Dont know the song but I imagine Diamond crevasse sound like chrismas or ice enough to put it on here. 6/10

Violence: You couldn't include even a LITTLE BIT of hardcore hentai in, could you? Well, okay, I'll forgive ya for now. Guess I'll have to go see if Line Marvel has cooked up any nice, juicy christmas greetings with His character... 0/10

Interactivity: Ok you disabled the buttons from players to press on and added some nice stuff. Well I actually missed the blizzard you promised. I thought clicking on her staff would have made it appear but it didn't hmmm. Just some snow falling down and you could have also made a "BOINGG" sound when you click on her breasts. Thats all. 6/10

Humor: The furry little friends are probably enough humor for your flah. Let's just leave it at that. 3/10

Overall: For somthing that's in in the SPAM locker you've done pretty well. The score is 3,49 where I'm at. I see you've managed to gain a trusting fangroup over the many years on NG for yourself. Either that, or then you're just struck yourself really lucky this time. 6/10

matt-likes-swords responds:

Uh, thanks for the massive review I guess.
Let's just say that I didn't try too hard on this one eh.

Haven't seen the movie

I've heard people talk abut the book around the web and I didn't quite get them, what is so incredible about the Twilight series?

Normally I don't like this type of movies, offering too much of an insight into your lives and the personal info (like the website that you have links on to, often does - GRRR! ¨>.<¨)

However just for the Hell of it, since you're against these people providing the mass hysteria - I give you a 3 vote! And a Thumbs Up!

Keep up the Lord's (Tom's!) work, guys, and maybe one day we'll flush that turd right down the toilet the way it should be flushed...!


for Everybody:

Graphics: The graphics fit well with the music. It is like the whole piece is being conducted by the blinking stars in the sky. You probably miss out a lot if you watch this flash without listening to the music because the animation is more boring than the music.

Sound: The music is a pulsating tune with a groovy beat that you can almost dance to.

Style: Watch it, it's Fo'Shizzle!

Violence: It is awesome! A space movie without explosions. It's so serene you won't miss the explosions!

Interactivity: There's virtually nointeractivity, just a play button. After you press it the movie will start playiang and will loop forever.

Humor: It is not very funny and it is not meant to be.

Overall: A nice panoramic view on a nightly/seminightly sky. Theres philosophical aspects present: you get the feeling like the ngiht is continuing forever, and theres also a hint of cyberfuture with the guys headset blinking all the time.

for Author:

Graphics: The clouds aren't really that impressive to me. They could be better seeing they are the only mass objects in the sky. The night stars are a mystery to me. I still have no idea how you made all of those sweet moves on them. The night sky looks really realistic. Kudos for a nice outlook. 8/10

Sound: Nice going. I'm a trance / techno fan myself so I guess I'm more Hypnotized by the song. =) 6/10

Style: Well I am alot into space and space related stuff so this gets to me, even though I was worried at first at a slow start. I see that you are trying to do something artistic by making it look like the stars draw stuff to the space like a pencil, nice touch. 9/10

Violence: No violence. This doesn't get you props. You could theoretically have an explosion or two or a comet going by, but understanding it doesn't really suite the style, it doesn't hurt the score. 0/10

Interactivity: I see that the buttons don't work. You can't go back and forth with the scenes, the only thing you can do is rewind to start and get the play button to work by pressing forward and thn press play. Or you can click forward until the movie starts playing. I see it's a movie set in a flash script, so when you press back it first goes all the way to the movie start and then starts going back the few flash frames there are. So theres no skipping frames in the movie part, just in the short flash area before it. 2/10

Humor: Aserious space movie. The only parts where I was a little bit thinking of chuckling was when the stars went "WOOSH" from one side to another and made a cutting lines into the space and then this red star blinks in the right. I dont know if youre a fan of it but it looked like some RPG fight scenes and like someone struck an eye to me at the end. But then the movie started over. 2/10

Overall: Uhhh, make a sequel! ¨^..^¨ 8/10


Graphics: 9

Picture Perfect. The movement goes nicely and evry item is both imaginatively made and distinguishable, however I dont understand just like you said why did you use such a huge amount of time on this if the technique you made this one was such a hard one to do by.

Style: 4

Nah. Not really my style. I dont get the point of this. Why watch a woman chase a fly around the house pointlessly for half a minute nothing is accomplished it doesn't get to me.

Fly hangs in there for quite a while though o_0

Sound: 5

Well there not really much sound I mean its mostly like music not sound at all but hey anyway at least there is some......

Violence: 3

You know that lady just tries to keep killing the god dman fly but doesnt succeed in it its just there but not quite..... the violence is all the time visible but it doesnt actually ever happen. You have to imagine it happen... on the fly. Eventually.

Interactivity: 7

There is, quite a lot of buttons and all that you can pres and entertain yourself during the minute that the flash goes on. A gratifiable performance to do on such a short flash. However it doesn't save this flash from a low score.

Humor: 7

Well humor is...... humor is a big part of it all when you do something in anime. Evrything that you do in anime is funny. Like, if you draw how paint would dry its funny if its done in anime. This is no exception.

Overall: 4

As I said it doesn' t save this flash that it has some nice buttons or nice interactivity values. If yore in a for a quickie entertainment and a lesson onsome good FBF animation I suggest wathcing this otherwise you may be alittle bit dissapointed I know I was. Judging by the other peoples reviews and scores I was waiting for some kinda spectacle.


Graphics: 8

Adequately drawn. human characters look realistic and move realistically. body parts are in right proportion to one another.

Style: 6

Incest stries arent quite my style. besides this sint even HOT enough to get me excited or anything so why should I be carried away?

Sound: 5

Clean voice acting.youcan hearevery word theyre saying no theres no dispute of what they say but it sounds clumsy and unrealistic on the downside.

Violence: 1

Verbal if any.

Interactivity: 5

The clown is funny :) (If u move u mouse around and not click you can see the balloon pop over and over again 8D)

Humor: 7

Yeah, its flaulently humoruous on the first time and when you watch it over and over again you see that its actually quite nicely made. even if you know whats happening you still awe at the situation how the guy doesnt know whos under the blanket and it makes the situation feel understandable. one of the reason why u actually wanna watch this more times than one. but tis acually a very ncely made flash, a sotry with a moral *cogh* might i say

Overall: 6

uhh, yeah if u arent insulted by mild incest / pornographic referrations and look for a quick laugh you might check it out its only 0,5 megs however I dont get why this is on the front page......

Hilarious 'cept the intermission

Graphics: 6

On some parts, it is poorly drawn and difficult to tell what item or thing is in question,

howevwer graphicalwiseness on selecting what item to display and ingenuousness on handling the lyrics make up for that its hard to follow because of fast speed, like the text is usually very big to read and BOOM! His Noodly Appendage hits you right across the face in one part, a point that would seem hard to explain graphically at first.

Style: 6

Some of the punchlines are hard for me to understand and it goes by a little too fast to take a grip of. however during the course of the movie I do learn to accept the ingenuousness of sme sulutions like why you putting your own character in some part of the movie. I understand it IS you in there....?

Sound: 8

Lets put it this way: I like Nightwish ALTHOUGH I am finnish. even though it took like zero effort from you exept to synch the voices to the animation, just by selecting a good music you get a good score.

Violence: 6

Violence is all grapical. *coughcough* puns intended.....

Interactivity: 4

One button to play the movie with, and a second one to replay and it starts instantly after that.

Humor: 7

I have to admit, I laugh out loud every time I see that "Hardcore poooorn..... will find a wayyyyyyy...." part where first theres a porn magazine and suddenly its seen inside a rocket lol! also many other fun parts, Skarmory and Hurricane Rolf ownz the day!!! lol. and where did you find a picture of Ron Jeremy dressed as Mario???

However, a BIG minus to you from the intermission part. I was BORED to death while trying to keep up and read the text that was appearing on the screen right in the middle of a fast paced movie. WHY didn't you make like a small game with buttons or something istead of that crap, SHEESH! it eats out the interactivity, even.

Overall: 6

A pretty average lyrics spoof. It has more twists and mishearings than maybe your average Joe's edition. If, on top of this you like Nightwish music you may enjoy this.

Its fun to watch over and over again

Grpahics: 7

Not really much you can do diffrently without replacing the sprites with anything else. Adding face exprssions on the guys and the character is a nice addition and i cant think of any more graphically, th eonly thing might be a little more of those extra texts like "lol he fainted". i think i might ahve seen one guy puke under himself when he was shot but i'm not sure if it happened....

Style: 8

Ok, even because of the gamestyle-interface where most of the score is made by the characters owning in the game world, it doesnt overcome the fact that he makes an impossible save at the last seconds. The idea that you, the author make a decision to change the "game" into an unrealistical direction by fearing that other people think youre a nazi, is unforgivable and somehow useless to me. Artists should be allowed what artists must do. If hitler won in the first place he should have won. There is no "pity victory" in this game. The character had 1 life left at the moment, I recall it means dying.......

Sound: 4

The biggest area of improvement in the game- err i mean movie. The sound is occasionally too loud and startles you out like the music part in the start when it continues on into the game the guys voice is way too high compared to the music. also the ending music is too silent if you wanna listen to it after the credits. otherwise the music themes r awesome and the sounds are hilarious.

Violence: 10

"There guys bust thorugh there going BOOM! HEADSOT sucka there guys going to the starits going BOOM HEADSHOT!!! oh yeah Headshot man Head Shot...." what more there is to add? O_O

Interactity: 6

The play and replay button at the movie work and the movie is so short and funny u wont miss having any other buttons. ;)

Humor: 9

The BOOM! Headshot joke wears out during the movie, but to my surpirse I fund that it still kinda Works even despite of that. So, Thumbs Up! :)

Overall: 6

This movie actually has so high of a violence perhaps that it lowers the overall on my mind. You really have to be on a twisted mood to be able to like to watch this. =)

DuDuL responds:

Dear Ardlana.
I thank you for such a detailed comment filled with everything a NORMAL review should have.

Yea i guess i did a wrong move with the "im not a nazi"... well i cant backwards time, i have to face what comes.

About the one life... it really depends... Sometimes "1 life" means you can revive yourself one more time, and sometimes as You say it means death so i would leave that topic like it is.

About the sounds... Well yeah... I noticed that too, and when i did it was too late to change. So yeah...

Well overally again thanks for LONG review (taking look on few pages filled with one sentence reviews or even less). I really thank you for poinitng mostly everything and i hope to see you in future...
See ya

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