
34 Movie Reviews

7 w/ Responses

Super Mario Hand Drawn

Graphics: 7

Pretty nice overall. I kind of liike the hand-drawn touch although you can see from it that you hacen't REALLY worked too hard on it.

Style: 4

I don't really get what the style of this movie is. It appears to be just a random collaborationlike Thing of scenes and action it might help i thee was a plot if there ever was one. if this is the plot i dont lke it.

Sound: 8

Violence: 4

In no way a bad sign because most of it is cartoon violence, which doesn't raise the bar much.

Interactivity: 6

Theres a replay button at the end which is needed, but I do get pissed of the fact that it keeps playing after you click it instead of going to a e.g. menu screen

Humor: 6

Overall: it gets

a -1 because it's too big of a filesize

-1 because there's no point

and well another -1 because there's no point.

Atotal vote of 2, which means a score of 4

I have read some reviews from this submission...

on the past two years, and I must note that people may not get the point. The exp that the guys are receiving may not be a joke. I see that alot of people are not getting that this scenario may be "played" in the start of the so-called game which means that the amounts that are being recieved are of course a lot lower than in the course of the game. If the game Starts with this scene, the amounts 4 gil and 11 exp may infact be quite average. And who knows what matt could do with the potion once he would start the actual game....

Graphics: 7

This game.... err, movie had the best graphics in its time when it was released in 2005. No more to add to that......

Sound: 6

Classical Final Fantasy music. They fit rather well to the mood of the fight. The splats are just like from the original sprite versions. Hardcore fans should just say Yay, others would instead love it.

Style: 8

I like the fact that DBZ is introduced With Final Fantasy, that should give those FF fanatics a little something worth thinking about. Their characters are no longer on top of the world HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA.....!!

Interactivity: 3

There is a play button at the start.... Although it is a movie and is not much required I always give this number for those submissions that are movies and that have a button.... at the start.....

Violence: 8

You can't get much higher in violence than that. Goku throwing a 200 thousand point of damage Kamehameha on top of everything else And both of their bodies Splitting at the last moments really crowns the whole section (violence). If goku wore a funny face mask inaddition to that stupid face he's giving you you could call it the "Clowning achievement" of the movie. lol just kidding....!

Humor: 6

Averagely funny FF movie. The What The F*** section when goku appears and the ending solution are probably the funniest parts.

Overall: 6

A true story match between the titans (FF and DBZ), which starts as normal FF battle. And where DBZ almost owns the day......

this is yourmovie Damn Security in miniview right?

it kinda scuks.....

So that's how u do it in Lithuania...... :D lol

Well the concept it short but sweet. I gotta tell ya, i was expecting at first, something witty and "culturelle", u know like to tell people what it's like in Lithuania that way, but then when the girl was licking her lips, i knew this was going in a diferent way. I maybe thoight she was going to jumps over him across the table and start making out with him or something. lol, but I didn't quite think THAT was going to happen! it was fun........

another quality flash by Kol

i don't usually review anyhting right now, but becuase people haven't gotten this, i thought i should try to explain. now, most of the stuff here have a symbolic measure, that is the cat represents something the the people represents something and the events all have equivalentts from raeal life. now this isn't completely apply with this specific flash but u get the point.... now this is about familty values and how people tend to live their family lives nowadays, marriage kids etc. first theres a man a predator who seeks for a woman he finds it, the woman shows that she is rwady for relationship by wetting herself (u know wut i mean) or that is, her body shows that she's ready to have kids, there's actually nothing mental involdved, then they go thogether have some good time withch is represented by the photo . then they get married and the man "lites up" the womans head with a the same kinda lite buld that he has , marking her as his property. howener the woman resents this , and ezxtinghishes the light bulb, the tentacles probably represent her inner free soul of some sort and at the same time she fels pain as indicated by the amount of blood coming out of her head spattering on her chest for she was now being tied down to this point of life as u notice thesupport beams rising from the ground tieing ther down. the woman giving birth to a child who has the same internal yearn for freedom only stronger cuz he's young and notice the light bulb is his from the birth thats why i suspect it's a he. alalso don't know what the bird-lizard thing hanging on the wall is.. maybe he assumes some kinds sof disciplinary codes beausecuse his other tectanle is insides it... a sort of a leash? the kid's drawing of stuff on the walls on the floor is "drawing" stuffs that happen around him into his mind, meaning forming his own wies of good and evil in the world .

from that black puddle which is sorrow, grouws out a cat, maning the family gets a pet for fixing up the loses theyve had in theyre realtionship. they cat has a the ability to see in the future, as we know animals have good instincts, and it predicts the death of everyone, eveen his own, as he paints the target symbol, (which is the key icon in the story) under him. this feels to be an imprtant part to me, i don't know why. but the main idea is that everuone is dies int he end.

the title of it means, its a materializtaion of a sub-human urge to kill other people / the coding of life according to which in which everything dies eveentually, one ay or the other. while a man may pretend to be grim reaper in one point , he will submit to that same destiny himself too, and be proven to be noting more than a vital firce int he form of a light , the bulb of which can easily be smashed.

the woman at one point becomes a facelsss objest, after corrupted by he marriage she finds no other purpose for herself and to please herself then sexual intercourses. her sexual cravings have been lighted up and now she only wants more. and since she is dulled by the marriage her freedom insists her to to tunr into a "ship" and go "sailing awasy" with strange men, to atleast bring some fluctuation to that fashion.

another great piece of work...

i think the guy in the recycling center brands the bodies as "approved for heaven ". the "iron cemetery" is there to provide us with the actual meaninglesness of after death burial. the guy tries to buy off the prostitute with a trophy: the flower that is dipped in the dead fighters blood. just what love is today, cheat and selfishness, that are just shrouded in a pretty disguise. guy tries to carry through his own pleasures at the expense of others. but it does not work: the service is meant for soldiers only. so, knowing his fate, he unwillingly goes to becomes a Soldier, and dies at the battlefield (like many who he recycled). the prostitute also kills herself, for there is no reason for her to live anymore either . everybody dies. slow or fast it makes no difference. that is the fate of the self-destructing organism... one thing i didn't get though; the rats . if its about religion (the angel) who is feeding itself on "weaker life forms" and on people who are mourning for the dead (rats) then, then what is the poison on the last part symbolizing.. ?

i canot even begin to start describing this ...

its so awesome... i agree with the previous wievers -who gave 10 - reviews, about this flash being one of the most impressive- if not THE most impressive, pieces of artistic work on Newgrounds. The sound and graphics fit together perfectly. i cannot even begin to describe the plot and what it made me feel, becasue i havent yet fully understood it. But me not getting it in this case is a good thing, because now unlike most movies i've watched, its not the artist who is not showing or is skipping off vital parts that make it necessary to get the right impression of the movie. here, the movie clearly has all the things necessary at present, my mind is just too inferior to fully understand it. (even though i do understand life philosophies rather well. heck, i got a philosophy number of 10 at school!) but this work is awesome. i have to review this one higher than almost anything else i have viewed before!

a very nice movie...

if only it had been longer I would have given it a 4 instead of the now given 3. then its only problem would be that the comparing of robots to human beings is not a very original plot these days. the graphics were great and animation too, runs relatively smoothly even on slower machines. the music was great -"slightly outta this world" as you may put it -and fits well on to this kind of a movie with an ethical theme in it. the sounds were good too, though there weren't very many of them. as i said, the only problem was that it was too short, i would've wanted too see more of the robot's life, like when when he goes to his home what he does then, what he does the next day, etc...

A crappy day With Newgrounds Exp. points is better than a crappy day Without Newgrounds Exp. points. I have had a lot of crappy days.

Age 38, Male


School of Life

Oulu, Finland

Joined on 3/30/03

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