
15 Game Reviews

4 w/ Responses

a good tester and seeing.....

how people scpred in it it actually works, now and come to think of it. it does make sence. people who have time to cliick and are patient do clikck more for the pojntless amount of time thay have. i clicked 1000 just for to see what was in the end. but cause i didn't know. what was in the end........ i caose'da gone for 10000 or 100000 if i wanted to. realy funny. and really good wastee of time :P if you have that much time on your hands.

the graphichs are ok for a cliking type of game, ig guess. thogh the buttons size is kinda ridiculous compared to the screen. coul'dave gone for a smaller one......

the sound ins really good. for this kinda of game. gives a good extra feelng and notch but yet not too much........

humor: hahaha. the responses are hilarious. don't know if thoyyre accurate though, couse i clked right mouse button and cheated throuh the whole thing to see it :P (sure was worth it cliking only 1000 oin the start) seeing that glithc, but anywaaays........ good to see that you had diffrent options for a looong wayys.

yeah, real good, nice style. at first, i didn't now what to expect, but it turned out well. maybe someday i'll come back and see what I'll actually get wth that 100k........ ha ha......

interactivity.... yesssss. its a cliking game isn't it. yess, very much.

viloence: not that much, expect fot the mindell viloence sdone to my fingers while clking and the mouse...... :,( poor mouse. it had its ear battered 1000 times in a row wiith no purpose.... except this review!! oh welll......... ;)

I give it a Total score of 4 Overall noneltheless...... its a good game for cliking and a good good moral, ethics, but, you can go a long ways better from here, for a flash game.


because of the terrible lagging i can't rlly give this one morre than two...
even though it has great musics and the the game idea is sort of good, the game just lags too much. other than that, if i was able to play it to the further enough, this game could probably be even too easy...;)

the style kinda lacks in thsone for a Denvish game.... come on, grounding down bubbles that a wizard accidently released in an experiment that release explosins when they reach high enough, by filling them with ICONS?? hah, even the weapons-icons look more dangerous than the bubbles, but i guess that's just your point of artistic view.

Sound, as always, in a Denvish game....*wink wink* is great. althouhg it gets a very boring after the first few. i don't know..... SECONDS!!! what, ids there like-- only ONE theme music playing in there, or what, at leats, i didn't get to pay much attention as i was trying to catch those damn slow moving and lagging bubbles...... maybe it's just a good thing, if the music would change too much then the players wouldn't get the changece to focus on the game.... this time.

Welll focring those Innocent Bullles going down by shoaving aweapons icons inside theam isn't Actually my sence of violence, but i guess you gotta rate it when u see it happening..... ;)

few i have seen a such an interatcive game... oh i bow at youre feet great Denvish!!!! no,,,,,, but seriously, the cart, was pretty uselesss, as later on the bubbles went moving so fast, that is according, to the bubbles' rate!!! that i wasn't able to move the cart fast enough to cathch anyhtingn, so it just stoood there. and the movement of the bubbles on the screeen and the mouse on the that keeps feeding it icons gets pretty repetetive too so its not very inter-Active!!! buuuuut, nonenthelessss......


this is my favorite part to note from: seriously:::: humor????!!!! is IS NOT FUN WATTCHING A Grounsp of colored balloons flaying up in the air in tides for very long!!!!! it wouldnd take,,,, like- a psychotpatch or a hopelessly retartded ill-mineded human being in ordered to keep that fun for very along......!!!! especially long enoaugh to get a those much desired high- scores you keep putting on every game........

Denvish responds:

Hmmm. It shouldn't lag that badly, all the graphics are cached as bitmaps. On my machine, I've had 500+ bubbles on the screen at the same time (during testing), and still not used 100% of the CPU... CPU usage in a game is something I take very seriously (I have to with API games, since they require a lot of power), and since no-one else has mentioned lag, I'm guessing it's a problem with your operating system or graphics card.

Yeah, the premise for the game isn't great, but I was somewhat restricted by the AG theme of medievality (real word? perhaps not).

Audio: The filesize of the entire game is 99KB, of which 70KB is audio. I don't think I did too bad for 70 KB.

Humour? Yeah, not funny at all. I guess no-one got the wizard-bedn reference on the game over screen ;D

its a bit too easy...

i played the frist waves throuhg without dying and hardly even getting my shields dented. that kept aoan going untill i checked the help section without pausing. that lost me lost two extrea lives. if thata handnt happend i prorbably wouldnt have died at all, thats how difficult the "infamous" Panic level is . finally i got 300114 score but i didnt bother to post it becoase im sure other people got further than that . theyll just simply have to play the game longer, thats all.

Denvish responds:

1) I didn't realise the Panic stage was 'infamous' !!!
2) You wouldn't have died whilst viewing help, because when you open the help file, the pause is auto-triggered.
3) If you had got 300114, your name would be on the scoreboard as '------'.
It isn't.
Currently the top highscore is 535422 (R1V4L). When I see your name up there above that, then I'll believe you. Until then, I won't.

Finally Fireman!!

i agree with the prev review fireman is one of my favorite robot bosses, only second to Quickman my absolut favorite. but about the game i enjoyed playing it until i got to the boss fight which unfortunatley was way too slow for my pc. even though i set the graphics to low quality it didint help, so thats a minus. i got so annoyed i diddnt bother to play it agaein, though i am a huge fan of Megaman games, and ive played through most of them that are emulated.
luckily other than that its flaweless so i give it a 4. and yes i too would hope that we would someday see the other pre-robots fighting with Megaman.

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